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Kubernetes Installer Tools


Kubernetes has become the go-to orchestration platform for containerized applications. However, deploying and managing a Kubernetes cluster can be a time-consuming and complicated task. This is where Kubernetes installer tools come into play. These tools automate the process of deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters, making it easier for developers and system administrators to run and maintain their applications. In this blog post, we will summarize some of the most popular Kubernetes installer tools available in the market today.

Manual installation

installation process

k8s installers

  • kops (
  • Kubespray (
  • kubeadm (
  • Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) (
  • Puppet Kubernetes Module (
  • Kubernetes The Hard Way (
  • kind (


  • Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes
  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator Study Guide (Benjamin Muschko)
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