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Hotkey with Ctrl in Linux



Linux is an operating system that is widely used by developers and programmers. One of the features of Linux is the ability to use hotkeys to perform various functions. Hotkeys are combinations of keys pressed simultaneously on the keyboard to perform a specific action. In this post, we’ll discuss how to use hotkeys with Ctrl in Linux.

Using Hotkeys with Ctrl

Ctrl is one of the most commonly used keys in Linux hotkeys. It is used in combination with other keys to perform different functions. Here are some examples of hotkeys that use Ctrl:

  • Quickly jump to beginning of line: Ctrl+A
  • Quickly jump to end of line: Ctrl+E
  • Delete to beginning of line: Ctrl+U
  • Delete to end of line: Ctrl+K
  • Delete one word forward: Ctrl+D
  • Clear screen: Crtl+L (clear)


Hotkeys with Ctrl are a powerful feature in Linux that can help you save time and improve your productivity. By using hotkeys, you can perform different functions quickly and efficiently. By customizing hotkeys, you can create your own shortcuts to perform specific tasks. So, give it a try and see how it can help you in your work!

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