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OpenSUSE package management tool - Zypper



OpenSUSE, a popular Linux distribution, offers a wide range of package management tools. One of the most efficient and reliable tools among them is Zypper. Zypper is a command-line package manager that provides a user-friendly interface to manage packages in OpenSUSE. In this blog post, we will discuss the features and advantages of using Zypper as a package management tool.

Features of Zypper

Zypper is a powerful package management tool that offers several features to manage packages in OpenSUSE. Here are some of the features of Zypper:

1. Dependency Resolution

Zypper automatically resolves package dependencies and installs all the required packages to ensure that the software runs smoothly. It also checks for conflicts between packages and resolves them before installation.

2. Upgrades and Patches

Zypper can upgrade the entire system or individual packages to the latest version. It also provides patches and security updates for installed packages. This ensures that the system is up-to-date and secure.

3. Repository Management

Zypper enables users to add, remove, and manage repositories from the command line. It also provides options to refresh, clean, and verify repositories.

Check Zypper version

zypper --version

Manage packages

Install package

sudo zypper install <package name>

Remove package

sudo zypper remove <package name>

Update package

sudo zypper up

Install local rpm package

sudo zypper install <package name.rpm>

Manage software repositories

Refresh software repositories

sudo zypper refresh

List configured software repositories

zypper repos

Remove software repository

sudo zypper removerepo <repository name>

View software repository where package is located

zypper info <package name>


Zypper is a powerful and efficient package management tool that offers several features and advantages to OpenSUSE users. It provides a user-friendly interface to manage packages and ensures that the system is up-to-date and secure. If you are an OpenSUSE user, we recommend using Zypper as your default package management tool.

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