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Iterate over multiple lists (tuple) simultaneously in Python


using zip

When working with data in Python, sometimes we need to iterate over multiple lists simultaneously. One way to do this is by using the built-in zip() function to create an iterator that aggregates elements from each of the input iterables. In this blog post, we will explore how to use zip() to iterate over multiple lists in Python.

names = ['A', 'BBB', 'CCCCC']
counts = [len(n) for n in names]
for name, count in zip(names, counts):
    print(name, count)

It will stop at the shortest one

using itertools

It will stop at the longest one

import itertools
for name, count in itertools.zip_longest(names, counts):
    print(f'{name}: {count}')

fill the default value

import itertools 

num = [1, 2, 3]
color = ['red', 'while', 'black']
value = [255, 256]

for (a, b, c) in itertools.zip_longest(num, color, value, fillvalue=-1):
    print(a, b, c)
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