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Usage of Nginx module http_stub_status_module



Nginx is a popular open-source web server, widely used for its performance and scalability. One of the key features of Nginx is its modular architecture, which allows for easy customization and extension. One of the modules available is the http_stub_status_module, which provides real-time monitoring statistics for Nginx. In this blog post, we will discuss the usage of the http_stub_status_module.

What is http_stub_status_module?

The http_stub_status_module is a built-in Nginx module that provides real-time server status information. It exposes a simple HTML page that displays server statistics such as the number of active connections, requests per second, and traffic volume. The module can be enabled by adding the following configuration block to the nginx.conf file:

location /nginx_status {
    stub_status on;
    access_log off;
    deny all;

Once enabled, the server status page can be accessed by visiting http://server_name/nginx_status.

Compiling Nginx with http_stub_status_module

1. Enter the nginx source code directory and reconfigure the compilation parameters

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx/ --with-http_stub_status_module

2. Recompile and install

make && make install

5. Test and Reload nginx

/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -t
/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload

Benefits of http_stub_status_module

The http_stub_status_module provides valuable insights into server performance and traffic patterns. By monitoring the server status page, administrators can quickly identify issues such as high traffic volume, server overload, or potential DDoS attacks. The module can also be used to optimize server performance by identifying bottlenecks and optimizing server configuration. For example, if the server is experiencing high traffic volume, the administrator can adjust the worker processes and connections to handle the load more efficiently.

Security Considerations

While the http_stub_status_module can be a powerful tool for monitoring server performance, it is important to consider security implications. By default, the server status page is accessible to anyone who knows the URL, which could potentially expose sensitive information such as server IP addresses and traffic patterns. To prevent unauthorized access, it is recommended to restrict access to the server status page by IP address or limit access to authorized users only.

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